(VIDEO) The enemy continues shelling the Ukrainian frontier areas

04 of November 2022 10:59

Yesterday, on November 3, the territory of 8 communities of Sumy region and 3 communities of Chernihiv region came under the fire of barrel and rocket artillery, mortars and UAVs of the enemy.

In particular, the russians shelled Krasnopillia, Khotin, Yunakivka, Bilopillia, Esman, Seredyna-Buda, Shalyhyne and Znob-Novhorodske communities of Sumy region and Novhorod-Siverskyi, Semenivka and Horodnia communities of Chernihiv region.

In the morning and in the afternoon, the rushysts shelled the territory of Krasnopillia community using 120-mm mortars, a dozen mine explosions were heard. The fire was coming from the russian settlements of kolotylivka and grafovka.

Before noon, the invaders dropped from a drone an explosive device on the territory of Yunakivka community.

Twice in one day, the aggressor army from the russian settlement of krasnooktiabrskyi shelled the territory of the Bilopillia community, probably using 120 mm mortars, more than four dozen explosions were heard. As a result of shelling in one of the settlements of the community, the local culture center, several private houses, agricultural equipment of the farm were damaged, in another settlement of the community the building of the railway station and a private house were damaged as well.

In the afternoon, 8 rounds from a heavy machine gun were fired from the direction of the russian settlement of gordeevka, they fired the territory of Khotyn community.

4 border settlements of the Seredyna-Buda community came under fire from the settlements of pogoshche, grudsk and zernove. The russians were firing using mortars and artillery, more than three dozen explosions were heard.

The invaders shelled Esman community from the settlements of lemeshivka and lokot twice in one day using mortars; as a result there were 30 explosions.

20 shells exploded on the territory of Shalyhino community, which were fired by the enemy MLRS from the area of krupets settlement.

6 explosions of 120 mm caliber mines occurred in the border area of Znob-Novhorodske community, russians shelled the territory of Ukraine from the area of the settlement of bila berizka.

Using mortars the enemy shelled the territory of Horodnia community from the direction of chornozemnyi gorodok; there were recorded 10 hits.

The territory of Novhorod-Siverske community was also under mortar fire. 7 mines were fired by russians from the area of gudovka village.

russians fired twice at Semenivka community from the settlements of marytsia and kurkovychi with mortars and barrel artillery, 30 explosions were recorded.

The components of the Defense Forces continue to defend Ukraine from russian invaders.

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